River Thames – Charvil

A nice stretch of the river that starts at the downstream end of Buch Ait and runs past Hallsmead Ait and The Lynch down to Phillimores Island and the mouth of Borough Marsh Stream, a distance of approximately three quarters of a mile. Good catches of bream and skimmers can be had from pegs 1 … Read more

St Patricks Stream

St. Patrick’s Stream is a quality stretch of water running between the Thames and the Loddon at Charvil. Upper St Pats. is the left bank, from Thames Drive downstream to Loddon Drive, approx 1100 metres. Lower St Pats. is the right bank, from Loddon Drive to the confluence with the River Loddon, approx 600 metres. … Read more

Rod Repairs

We have been providing a service and supplying parts for all types & makes of fishing rods for over 20 years. We have an ever growing spare part inventory. All rods are repaired with the same level of care as if it was our own. All rods are whipped by our custom rod builder. A … Read more

Spare Parts

If you need any spares for Rods, Reels, Bedchairs, Alarms, Bivvys etc etc then send us an email to woodleytacklebox@outlook.com or call us on 0118 0269183 we will do our best to get any spares and will email you back asap.